Amidalla Website Directory

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Irt Energy
About IRT Energy
IRT were formed in January 2002 with three directors - Stewart and Alan Little and Dave Jones - author of Grand Theft Auto.

Now the largest independent thermal imaging building specialists in Europe, IRT have a wealth of building experience - the kind of hands on experience that means we know the challenges you face on a daily basis. In 2006 IRT launched their first energy quantification software and after 2 years of further R+D - it is now commercially available to you via this portal.

We offer a broad range of FLIR cameras and license agreements to our energy portal. Offering inexpensive cameras with basic functionality, through to top of the range systems - occasional single image users - to multiple uploading from global organizations - IRT have a package to suit.

This bureau service is the latest innovation from IRT enabling thermographers, building professionals and energy consultants alike to benefit from IRT's knowledge and experience within the energy and building sectors.

Headquartered in Dundee, IRT staff is qualified in Architecture, Physics, Engineering, Thermography and hold various energy qualifications such as SAP, NHER and EPC (level 5).

Whether your project is new-build, refurbishment., dilapidations, acquisitions or eco-builds - you will find our staff knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, efficient and most of all, understanding of the pressure you are under to deliver results.

We pride ourselves or our service and constantly monitor feedback. (Currently running at 94.3% satisfaction - scored across a range of KPI's).

If you are considering becoming a thermographer and want an easy to use camera with an upload facility - please talk to us directly on 01382 228 700.

Alternatively, if you are a property portfolio manager and would like to partner, license or outsource your energy and imaging requirements please do not hesitate to contact us on 01382 228 700


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